Meow, World!

My first attempt at writing a blog post.

Hey there, everyone! I am Priydarshi and this is my blog. Here I would be posting primarily programming related stuff, in addition to my experiences at IITK and in general life.

What was the motivation for me to start this blog?

  1. Almost all of the cool seniors I know have their own blogs.
  2. I believe I have stories to tell, and knowledge to share.
  3. I wanted to tick off another item from my bucket list.

The final examinations for the second semester ended yesterday and so now I finally have the time to try my hand at maintaining a blog.

Currently this blog is hosted on GitHub Pages (though I might later shift it to a personal domain). I am using the Academic theme and the Hugo framework for maintaining this blog.

Although Hugo claims to be user-friendly, my experience with setting up this blog wasn’t as smooth as I expected it to be. So I find apt to be easiest way to install any package. But apparently, sudo apt install hugo installs an older version of Hugo, and on trying to build this site with that version, I ended up with an error message telling me that the Academic theme isn’t compatible with my current Hugo version.

Current theme does not support Hugo version 0.40.1. Minimum version required is 0.54

So I purged the apt version. What, then, is the next easiest way to install a package? snap! So I did sudo snap install hugo. Trying to build the site with this gave me another scary error message :

failed to transform resource: TOCSS: failed to transform "scss/main.scss" (text/x-scss): this feature is not available in your current Hugo version, see for more information.

For some unknown reason, I chose to ignore the link in the error message and decided to Google the error. I found the same error on StackOverflow (The real happiness? +_+) and the accepted answer recommended me to install the tarball version of Hugo. So I did that, but ended up with the same error message. (What can be more sad than an accepted SO answer not helping you out? ;_; )

Finally I decided to follow the link in the error message, and found a very easy solution to this error - apparently I had installed the normal version, whereas I needed the extended version. (*facepalm*)

Lesson learnt : An error message doesn’t always come with a link to its solution. So when it does, follow the link blindly.

That was my first blog post. Hope you stick around to read my future posts!

Priydarshi Singh
Software Engineer

Breaker · Builder · Engineer

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